Sunday, March 16, 2014

Panasonic Posts New GH4 1080/96p Slow Motion Video!

EDIT: I'm leaving this post up - although Panasonic seems to have pulled the video. I will re-post if I find a new link. A little frustrating that they would put this out there and then pull it down.

Although we have seen some 1080/96p slow motion from the camera, it is always nice to see more.

Panasonic's real point in posting this video, however, is to showcase the new CineLike flat color profiles and the Master Pedestal feature. With Master Pedestal, shooters will be able to set the "black level" in-camera - either raising the blacks to bring out detail, or "crushing them" to make them blacker. There's a better explanation on page 20 of the HMC150 handbook here.

 Here is what Panasonic says in the "About" section of the video:

"The new Panasonic GH4 is a great tool for Indie Filmmakers.
With its new CineLike D and V features you will be able to record videos with up to 13 stops of Dynamic Range with a cinematic roll off.
It also features the Master Pedestal option, which will lift your shadow areas, giving you an even better Dynamic Range.
That means that you wont have to worry about your Highlights or your Shadows, because the new GH4 will deliver a beautiful, cinematic image.
Use it in 96fps 1080p, to create a wonderful slowmotion, or even in 4k, to deliver a high-end, powerful image!"

Even without 4K, this is going to be a powerful camera for filmmakers.  I've already pre-ordered mine - if this post has helped you to make a buying decision, you can reserve yours by clicking on the display ad below.  It won't cost you anything extra, and it will help to keep blog posts like this coming. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow. Those wide shots with the ocean, and sky blew me away. Seeing them both exposed was something I'm not used to with cameras around this price range (unless it's the blackmagic pocket) !
