Friday, March 7, 2014

Just Went Over 100,000 Page Views - Thank You!

Dear Friends,

After not looking at the blog for a couple of days, I just opened the Dashboard and noticed that, sometime yesterday, the page view counter had clicked over 100,000.

I wanted to write this post to say "thank you" to everyone who has stopped by.  I hope that you have enjoyed, or been informed by, some of what has been written here.  I also hope, that in some small way, HCR has provided you with useful information as we seek together to become better photographers, videographers and cinematographers - or at least smarter consumers of camera equipment.

Your support over the past couple of years, as you have read the blog and supported our sponsors, has made what we do possible.  We look forward to many more years of providing you with news and information you can use to turn your still or video vision into reality. Thank you again.

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