Sunday, March 23, 2014

Panasonic GH4 versus Arri Alexa Round 2 - 1080/96p Slow Motion!

Another side-by-side of the Panasonic GH4 and the Arri Alexa from Sittipong Kongtong in Bangkok. This time at 1080/96p conformed to 24p for 4X slow motion. Once again, the Arri is shooting a flat LOG 12-bit ProRes 4444, while the GH4 is shooting a normal color profile and h.264 8 bit 4:2:0.

But this time, the originating resolution and the delivery resolution is the same (even though compressed for YouTube). As in the previous GH4 96fps examples from Sittipong and from Jordan at The Camera Store, the GH4's 96fps looks to be very smooth and detailed. Freeze frames show no, or very little, motion blur (e.g., as is seen in Twixtor interpolation). Please watch at your monitor's highest resolution:

Again, at least for YouTube delivery, the $1700 GH4 stands up very well to the $44,000 Alexa.

For filmmakers on micro-budgets, this is very good news. For about the same price as a two day daily Alexa rental, filmmakers can buy a 4K GH4 with the YAGH audio video interface.

I am certainly grateful to Sittipong for posting these comparisons, but it would be nice to see a comparison between Panasonic's CineLook D color profile and Arri LOG. Perhaps next time.

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