Wednesday, October 14, 2015

First feature shot with $4495 Blackmagic URSA PL - stars Dolph Lundgren, Danny Trejo, Vivica Fox and Danny Trejo

URSA goes to the movies
A few days ago, Blackmagic issued a press release announcing that filmmaker Timothy Woodward, Jr. and DP Pablo Diez had chosen the $4495 URSA PL camera to shoot straight-to-DVD/VOD actioner 4GOT10 (trailer below).

The film was shot in ProRes 4444 with Schneider Cine-Xenar glass and graded in DaVinci Resolve.  Diez says the camera's global shutter was important for capturing the flashes, explosions and sudden camera movements that were a key part of the film.
I'm not a big fan of this genre, but it's good to see URSA and other under $10,000 cameras being used as A cams on indie sets.  Money not spent on renting $40,000 cameras can go into salaries for "name" actors and real practical effects (instead of CGI).

Big Dolph Lundgren on the big URSA monitor (from Flickr)

Other filmmakers are using URSA cameras as well. In a recent interview with A Place to Hang Your Cape, for example, filmmaker Alex Shipman and DP Izzie Jones say they're shooting a crowdfunded female superhero short called The Stuff of Legend on the Blackmagic URSA Mini.

The great thing about the era we live in is you can click on the graphic below on the right and stream the movie in the comfort of your home or office - or even on mobile - and, if you like the way it looks, you can click on the graphic on the left and buy the camera it was shot on.  I love this century.

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