Saturday, October 10, 2015

First customer URSA Mini 4K footage!

History repeats itself - amateur filmmaker, Jszfilms - who posted the first narrative footage shot with the BMPCC two years ago - has now posted a short satirical piece shot with the $2995 Blackmagic URSA Mini 4K:

As far as I can tell, this is the first footage from a consumer who actually bought the camera and doesn't have a special relationship with either Blackmagic Design or a dealer.

This is not a big budget movie with lots of locations - it's something J put together in one day to show his friend (who owns the camera) how to use it. And, clearly, not all of the shots are from the Mini.

That said, the fact that the camera is starting to appear in the hands of consumers is very good news for everyone who has been waiting since April for this camera!

If you've been waiting to place your order until the camera was actually shipping, you can pull the trigger now by clicking on the link above or the display ad below.  It won't cost you anything extra, and it will help to keep these posts coming.  Thanks for your support of the Revolution!

And please follow HCR here, on G+, on YouTube on Vimeo and on Twitter (button below) for the latest news on micro-budget video and cinema.

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