Thursday, October 10, 2013

SALE - Panasonic G6 w Lens - $638!

I've raved about this camera before, but at this price, the Panasonic G6 is absolutely the best value for money in micro 4/3. Lightning fast autofocus, 7fps full resolution stills, 1080/60p video with full manual exposure control and essentially no clip length limit, external mic input with 19-step audio level control, Wi-fi, NFC and built-in intervalometer. Here is the still image quality this camera can produce as seen in the Panasonic Lumix DMC-G6 Pool on Flickr.

And here is a short documentary shot with the G6 and the kit lens (from Kevin Mayuga on Vimeo):

This camera is the complete still/video hybrid package at an affordable price. It will go back up to $749 on October 19th, so if you want this great "all-in-one" camera for $638, you may want to pull the trigger now.

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