Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Brand new Canon EOS M10 mirrorless - worthy competitor for the Sony A5100?

The short answer is no.  The EOS M10 is a $599 (with 15-45mm kit lens) APS-C mirrorless camera that takes 18MP still photos, records 1080/30p video and needs an adapter for EF/EF-S lenses.

The APS-C A5100 (with 16-50mm power zoom), on the other hand, costs $50 less, shoots 24MP stills, records video at up to 1080/60p, is about the same size (but has a handgrip) - and doesn't need an adapter to share lenses with full size Sony E mount bodies.

These cameras both seem to be aimed at the same market, casual shooters who want APS-C DSLR still/video performance in a compact body. Both cameras are equipped with wi-fi, have built-in flash and flip-forward LCDs for self-shooters - and both lack hot shoes and microphone jacks.

But the Sony seems to be the better camera - on features and price.

It is difficult to understand what Canon is doing here. While the head of Canon Marketing Japan says they want to be the number one mirrorless manufacturer by 2017, the mirrorless cameras they've introduced in the past year (e.g., EOS M3, EOS M10) have been under-spec'd and over-priced when compared to the competition.

Unfortunately for Canon, they are near the bottom in mirrorless sales in the home market (and worldwide) and have a long way to go if they want to beat Sony and Olympus to get to number one (courtesy BCN via PetaPixel):

Conversely, as DSLR sales fall and mirrorless sales rise (albeit from a lower base) - Sony interchangeable lens camera sales have seen significant growth in the past couple of years, as seen in this chart from the NPD Group:

The new EOS M3 and M10 cameras will certainly be attractive to Canon shooters who want a smaller camera body to complement their APS-C and full frame DSLRs - but appealing to existing users doesn't grow market share.  I don't recommend them at this price and don't think Canon will sell enough of them to be competitive (until, like the original EOS M, they are on closeout and selling for bargain basement prices).

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