Monday, September 15, 2014

RX100 Mark III Killer? Panasonic LX100 - the world's first 4K compact camera

The news is coming fast and furious from IBC. Panasonic has just announced the long-awaited successor to the classic LX7 - the new 4K (UHD) capable LX1000 (available for pre-order at Amazon, Adorama and B&H).

Here's the press release.

And here is the UHD video image quality you can expect (please watch at your monitor's highest resolution):

With its UHD video resolution, micro 4/3 sensor, and hot shoe (in lieu of a built in flash), this little enthusiast camera is the world's first "4K" compact and will be a great alternative to the similarly priced Sony RX100 Mark III - especially with its smaller 1" sensor, HD video resolution and lack of a hot shoe.

Here are more pictures and video of this lovely little camera:

If anything here has helped you to make a purchase decision, please shop using the links above or the displays below and in the margins. And, even if you're not in the market for a new camera, please comment and make suggestions below. It won't cost you anything extra, and it will help to keep these posts coming.

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