Saturday, June 28, 2014

What features do you want to see in the Panasonic GH5?

Philip Johnston, the HD Warrior from Scotland, is now shooting with the GH4 (two of them, actually) in the course of writing his review.  Philip has just set up a great separate blog called "GH4 Crew" that is focused exclusively on the GH4.

There's lots of good stuff here and on HD Warrior - to include behind the scenes coverage of a photo shoot he did recently at a local event.

As much as he likes the camera, in his latest post, Philip makes a in interesting list of the features he'd like to see in the GH5:
  • The thumbwheel at the back of the GH4 controls the speed in manual mode, I would like Panasonic to update the Firmware (FW) to allow me to lock this at 1/50th preventing me moving this to another speed accidentally as has happened.
  • Could we also have the ability to switch on the LCD display rather than the present mode where it switches off at about seven minutes.
  • Can we also have the ability to buy an upgrade FW package that gets rid of the 30m record time.
  • A menu mode to allow us to view 4K as 1080 via the SDI connectors the same as you offer with the HDMI output.
  • Can you make sure that the GH5 has 2 SDXC slots please.
I agree with Philip  on a few of these, but my list is a little different from his.  What I really want in the GH5 (in this order):
  • Built-in ND filter
  • The ability to set the screen blanking time on the LCD (same as his #2)
  • Internal 10-bit 4:2:2 4K
  • 2 SDXC slots (same as his #5)
  • 4K/60p
  • 1080/120p
  • Hole on the bottom of the camera to match the anti-twist pin on standard quick release plate
What's your list?  Please answer in the comment section or back on Reddit.

Look forward to seeing your list!


  1. How likely do you think it will be for the gh5 to have a full frame sensor?
    If they can achieve full frame, it will be a day one purchase for me.
    Also 1080p and 120fps sounds amazing, so many possibilities!

  2. I don't think Panasonic will build a full frame camera - because they would have to start developing a line of full frame lenses. What they might do, though, is what JVC has done with the GY-LS300, though - put a micro 4/3 mount in front of a Hollywood-sized Super 35mm sensor. I would buy that camera!
