Sunday, December 22, 2013

Poor Man's Movie Studio

I had my cameras setup for a test and it occurred to me that I had cobbled together a decent little "studio". My trusty Dolica ST-650 tripod (on the right) needs to be replaced with a second Ravelli AVTP Professional and I need some $65 300 LED lights instead of my little $30 70 LED Rechargeables - but I have a couple of high quality 1080p cameras with decent resolution sitting on tripods or on the shelf (the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera and the GH3); a decent mic and recorder (a used Audio Technica AT835b and a TASCAM DR-40); and decent camera support (the Dolica notwithstanding).

Both cameras have great codecs and good depth of field control and it is relatively easy to color match their output, but I guess I have the same challenge that many amateurs have - lots of equipment, but not enough time set aside to actually make a movie.

No more excuses, it's time to take these cameras out and actually shoot something!

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