Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sandisk Extreme Pro still the only card for Blackmagic Pocket Cinema RAW

(This post has been edited to reflect the fact that, after testing, the Toshiba Exceria shows dropped frames in RAW and ProRes.  As a result, HCR can no longer recommend it for BMPCC shooters).

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera shooters still have only one choice - if they want to shoot CinemaDNG RAW, they need a SanDisk Extreme Pro 64 GB Card, period.

To date, this has been the only card recommended for recording CinemaDNG RAW on Blackmagic Design's approved list of SD cards.  This card is a solid performer, with a 95MB/s read/write speed, it is the fastest SDXC card on the market today.  But is a relatively expensive.  As of this post, it is $120 at Amazon, $120 at Adorama, and the same price at B&H.

But then came Ruben Kremer's November 18th update of his "Evolving Pocket Cinema Camera SD Card Compatibility List"
UPDATE I 2013, November 18th - I've added the Toshiba Exceria Type 2 64GB SDXC card. This one works flawlessly with the ProRes and initial tests have shown that it might just be the Sandisk-killer ;-) ... A locked-down shot of 5 minutes in CinemaDNG RAW recording was done without any dropped frames. So it's looking good for this card. If it'll pass further tests, it'll be the new recommended card. Since it is (in the Netherlands) on average only 66% of the price of the Sandisk.
Based on Ruben's update, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on a Toshiba Exceria 64GB SDXC card with 95MB/s read, 60MB/s write speeds.  You can get this card from Japan via Amazon for about $80, but I was able to pick one up from a retailer here in the States on eBay for $61.55 (plus $5.39 tax for Californians) - about half the price of the SanDisk.

Sadly, after testing by one of the readers of this blog, and after testing the card here at HCR, the verdict is in: the Exceria is not a substitute for the Sandisk Extreme Pro.   The Exceria is still a decent 64GB card - but not for RAW or ProRes recording.


  1. Got mine, had dropped frames almost instantly in raw and prores. write tests showed only 8.8mb/s, read was about 75mb/s. Don't know if I got a faulty one or not, but sending it back.

  2. Ugh. Sorry to hear that. Thanks for the feedback. Let me put mine in the camera and try it out. I will pull this recommendation if I get dropped frames.

  3. Unknown - thanks so much for calling this to my attention - I just tried it and got a flashing "REC" light almost immediately in RAW and ProRes. I will edit the post and pull my recommendation.
