Friday, May 10, 2013

Feature Film "Upstream Color" - Shot on Panasonic GH2 - Now in Theaters and on Amazon Instant Video!

I highly recomment Upstream Color, a feature film from all-in-one writer/director/DP/actor Shane Carruth shot on the Panasonic GH2 and now playing at your local theater!

Time Magazine's piece on this film asks if it is "One of the Best Films Ever Made?"

Here is the trailer:

If you can't make it to the theater, or it's not playing near you, you can buy or rent it on Amazon Instant Video.

If you prefer physical media, you can get it on DVD or DVD and Blu Ray.

And if you want to buy a GH2 and make your own movie, there are still a few left at Amazon and eBay :)

Shane is distributing the film himself instead of selling it to a studio - so more of the dollars you spend at the box office or at Amazon go to a fellow indie hybrid still/video camera shooter, and not to big Hollywood.  Pretty cool.

I'll say it again - this is a great time to be a filmmaker!

UPDATE: Box Office Mojo reports that Upstream Color has grossed $401,200 as of today!  We don't know how big the production budget was on this film, but if it was anything like the $7000 he spent on Primer, this is very good news for Shane and for the indie community.

I haven't seen the film yet, but plan to get over to Berkeley to see it this week.  I'll keep you posted.

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