Friday, December 30, 2011

Panasonic DMC-FZ150 -- a GH2 "mini-me"?

My wife wanted something lightweight to replace her old 6MP Nikon D50, and she wanted to start recording video of our 5 year old son, so I got her a Panasonic FZ150 superzoom.

She has been an avid SLR/DSLR photographer for years, but never swaps lenses and uses full auto mode close to 100% of the time.  The FZ150 seems to be perfect for her needs.  The problem is, I just tried it out, and I'm shooting better pictures with it than with my fancy GHs and telephoto lenses - with a lot higher percentage of usable shots.

A few examples:

FZ150 and GH2 - taken with GH1/Nikon lens

FZ150 and GH2 - taken with GH1/Nikon lens

FZ150 and GH2 - taken with GH1/Nikon lens

Taken with GH2/Tamron lens at 300mm (ETC)

Taken with GH2/Tamron lens at 300mm (ETC)

GH cameras - taken with FZ150

GH cameras - taken with FZ150

GH cameras - taken with FZ150

Taken with FZ150

Taken with FZ150

Taken with FZ150

The light was better for the FZ150 shots, but the real story is how easy they were to take, and that every shot was in focus and perfectly exposed.  Too bad my wife is taking it on a trip in a few days. I'd like to take it out for a few more "tests" ;-)

Well worth it for $430 at Amazon as of 12/30/11.

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